- He had offended some of the nobles and he himself was a commoner (Talk about "playing with fire"!)
- Darnley and his supporters thought he was preventing Darnley from becoming King.
- There were rumours of an affair with Mary.
- Mary knew that Darnley was involved. (His dagger was left in Riccio's body)
- Mary escaped from the nobles. Bothwell helped her. (Was this the start of their relationship?)
- The murderers escaped to England when Mary came after them with an army.
- Darnley's days were numbered. The murderers knew he had "double crossed" them by running away with Mary
- Several months later, Darnley was recovering from illness at a house just outside Edinburgh city walls. The house blew up but Darnley's body and that of a servant was found in the garden. Rumours spread that Mary and Bothwell had plotted to murder Darnley.